View the Hardware Dataset

The Hardware dataset is available from the Enterprise, Desktop, and Server modules. It provides desktop and server asset and configuration data that describes the fundamentals of the computing environment delivered to the user. The essential elements of the computer platform help to describe the application delivery environment offered to the user community.

Each computer hardware system in the visualized community is studied and presented in this dataset with key descriptive indicators that may be helpful in planning the IT environment and understanding its current form. This information may help the IT architect to understand how applications are presently delivered to the people for whom the IT infrastructure is built, how changes in the delivered environment may impact user perception and experience, and whether current infrastructure elements are appropriate to maximize user productivity.

Hardware Dataset Perspectives

Each dataset is provided with one or more Perspectives. See View Datasets for more information on dataset perspectives and how to customize your perspective display.


This perspective provides a high level overview of the computer systems in the visualized environment. The type of system, hardware or virtualized platform, and overall resource capacity delivered, are indicated for each computer.

CPU Details

This perspective provides deeper technical details about the processor resources available from each computing platform.

Installation Age

This perspective classifies computer installations in each group by the age of installations in that group.

Operating System Details

This perspective provides deeper technical details about the operating system installed on each computing platform.

System Diversity

This perspective provides a number of classifications that help depict the overall diversity of each group of computer systems.

Video Support Details (Desktop only)

This perspective provides deeper technical details about the video adapter and monitor configuration available from each computing platform.

Unused Computers (Desktop only)

This perspective reports on computers for which no logins have been detected. If these computers are not used as servers (for which a lack of login activity is normal) they may potentially be unused systems. In most cases costs can be reduced by minimizing the number of unused computers in the visualized environment.

Processor and Memory Capacity

Systems in the upper right of the chart are highest overall capacity when CPU and memory are factors.